Privacy Policy

At Mary Jones Design we ensure to protect the data you share with us. Our Privacy Policy outlines when, why and how we collect your personal information, how it is used and how we keep it secure. We will only collect, use, keep and share personal data for legitimate business purposes and to fulfil our legal obligations.


We collect data when an order is placed during checkout so that we can process your order. This data includes: name, postal address, telephone number and email address. This data may also be shared with the following to fulfil the order:

Transglobal Express -

Royal mail -

We will get in touch with you to keep you updated on the progress of your order and may also use your personal data to analyse purchase history and how customers are browsing our website.

Website Visitors

When you browse our website, personal data is collected automatically from data transmitted from your browser such as your IP address, operating system, version of the browser, language and date and time of the visit to the pages you have accessed. This allows us to provide you with access to the pages you wish to browse. Data is also collected if you use our contact form or comment on our blog posts.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics collects a log of information and details of visitor behaviour patterns. This allows us to find out things such as the number of visitors to areas of the site and geographic location by country, region and city/town. Neither we or Google make any attempt to use this information to personally identify you.


We use cookies to help our site run effectively, provide the best experience for our visitors and collect information about browsing and purchasing behaviour. They collect information about pages viewed, customers interaction around our website and products purchased. They do not provide any information to personally identify you. You may refuse these cookies by changing the settings on your browser.

Social Media

If you follow one of our social media accounts we receive personal data about you such as your account name, gender, age, location and interests. This information is purely for our use and is never sold. It simply helps us to provide you with the best content that is most interesting to you and to collect site statistics to improve our site in order to give you a better user experience.